​15- Play notation
The play notation used in Chess 99 is based on the “short algebraic notation” which includes the starting file and rank of the piece when necessary to disambiguate the move. The captured piece, if any, will always be included as to make the play reversible. The letters used to identify the various pieces are: K for King; Q for Queen; P for Paladin; R for Rook; N for Knight; B for Bishop. Pawn moves are not identified by a letter but by the absence of one.
Basic moves:
3. c4 e75
White pawn from c3 to c4. Black pawn from e7 to e5.
8. Bc1a3 Nh9g7
White bishop from c1 to a3. Black knight from h9 to g7.
Whenever the file or rank remain unchanged by the move, it will not be repeated.
11. Ri14 Qg8b
White rook from i1 to i4. Black queen from g8 to b8.
Any capture will follow the move. A cross mark (×) indicates that a pawn was captured. When a piece is captured, its type will be indicated in parentheses.
16. cd5× gh6×N
White pawn from c4 to d5 takes a pawn. Black pawn from g7 to h6 captures a knight.
19. Qd4f×B Rh6e×
White queen from d4 to f4 captures a bishop. Black rook from h6 to e6 takes a pawn.
An asterisk (*) indicates that a pawn was captured “en passant.”
23. b35 Bf8b4*
White pawn from b3 to b5. Black bishop from f 8 to b4 and captures the white pawn “en passant.”
​Pawn promotion:
The equal sign (=) indicates a pawn promotion. It is followed by the piece it promotes too.
42. b9=B f=Nd2+
White pawn from b8 to the last rank and promotes to a bishop. Black f-pawn already in the first rank promotes to a knight, moves to d2, and white is in check.
The symbol ampersand (&) indicates castling. The rank need not be indicated since castling can only take place in the player’s first rank. The king’s play comes first, then the ampersand followed by the piece the king castles with. If castling short, the movement of the other piece is not provided since it is simply the reverse of the king’s. If castling long, the file of origin is provided for the other piece.
10. Kfg&B Ked&Ra
White castles with the bishop standing right next to the king; king from f1 to g1 and conversely, bishop from g1 to f1. (Note that the bishop has moved to the light color squares in the process.) Black castles with his rook on a9; king from e9 to d9 and rook from a9 to e9, the king’s starting square.
​Check and double-check:
​The plus sign (+) indicates that the opponent’s king is in check. An exclamation mark (!) indicates that this player’s king is in check.
47. Nc5d7+ Ra9d!
White knight from c5 to d7 puts black in check. Black rook from a9 to d9 and black remains in check. (Note: This does not necessarily indicate a blunder on black’s part since capture of their king – by white’s knight – may expose the white king to a check resulting in a draw game.)
The double symbol (!+) indicates that both kings are in check as a result of the play.
48. Qb6f+ Pc7a5!+
White queen from b6 to f 6 puts black in check. Black paladin from c7 to a 5 puts white in check while black remains in check. (White, who now has the move, could call a draw at this point.)
The number sign (#) indicates that the player with the move has resigned.
51. Rc39 #
White rook from c3 to c 9. Black realizes that they can no longer prevent the fall of their king and concedes the game.
King capture:
Kings are not usually captured since players are expected to resign when the situation becomes hopeless. If a king capture does happen – normally as a result of a blunder – such capture would be clearly marked with a ‘×K’.
39. Be3b6! Qe71×K
White bishop from e3 to b6 exposes white’s king to a check. Black queen from e7 to e1 captures the white king. Black wins the game. Let that be a lesson for white.